Taking the reins, Lead yourself


Yep, you heard that right. Leading oneself is just as important as leading others.
Growth and development becomes incredibly easy, especially when you have someone right beside you. Picture having a friend, a philosopher or a guide by your side, asking you questions that open your eyes and uncover insights, while also pointing out immediate problems. But here’s the thing: you’ve been coaching yourself since forever. Remember those moments when you picked yourself up after making a mistake? Being a work-in-progress is totally okay. It’s about observing yourself, being an active player in your life, and using your experiences to make better choices. You become the scientist, experimenting with small changes and analyzing the results without judgment.

So, where do you start? Well, first, figure out what you want to work on. Hold yourself accountable by setting milestones, tracking progress, and celebrating victories, big or small. And don’t shy away from learning from your failures – they’re lessons in disguise. It involves lots of self-reflection and inner dialogue. Sure, professional coaching has its perks, but self-coaching is accessible anytime, anywhere, and it won’t cost you a dime. It’s a skill you can develop and customize to fit your needs and preferences. And the best part? It equips you to tackle challenges in a constructive and creative way.

Think of it as managing a project: set a goal, make a plan, execute it, and review your progress. Knowing your talents, skills, strengths, and values plays a huge role here. It guides your decisions and actions, giving you a sense of purpose and meaning. By understanding yourself better, you’ll stay motivated and focused on your goals. So, make self-monitoring a habit and commit to deliberate practice. Familiarize yourself with the concepts and skills involved, and before you know it, you’ll be leading yourself to success.

Remember, you’re already there!
